What Our Client Say

I am very pleased and enjoyed the meeting, I also appreciate Prof. Kenneth Blum and Prof. Rajendra Badgaiyan for organizing this meeting
San-Yuan Huang
National Defense Medical Center, Taiwan
I enjoyed the International Conference on Genomic Medicine (GeneMed-2017), held in Baltimore from Feb 22-24.
Gregory S. Yochum
Penn State University College of Medicine, USA
My compliments to the Organizing Committee and to the Scientific Committee of the FCT-2016 for the excellence of the event.
Paulo Henrique Fonseca da Silva
Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brazil
Thank you very to you. The meeting was great and I enjoyed a lot with the talks and the nice environment that took place during the conference.
Santiago Ramon Y Cajal
Universidad Autonoma of Barcelona, Spain
I enjoyed the meeting very much. It is very well organized and the talks are very informative..
Ziding Feng
MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Many thanks for the opportunity to speak at the meeting.
Stephen D Miller
Northwestern University Medical School, USA
Excellent organization of the event; congratulations.
Manuel Elkin Patarroyo
FIDIC, Colombia
Good hospitality of the organizers, plenary sessions are very good value and excellent job for first conference.
Robert W. Malone
RW Malone, USA
High quality of science and presentations from global leaders in the field. Great venue, well funded!