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Existence, Ethics and Uniqueness of United Scientific Group Journals
In the year 2014, Prof. Kenneth Blum along with other academicians with similar ideologies, diverse backgrounds and professional experience joined hands to launch United Scientific Group (USG). USG is an expert-driven initiative led by the editor’s association to identify and fill the gaps in knowledge sharing by publishing novel research findings through an ethical and stringent review process. All our journal titles are uniquely coined by the respective Editor-in-Chief’s (EIC) covering the unattended areas of science, technology and medicine.
All editorial board members of USG journals have been organized by the EIC of the respective journal. The Editorial Board (EB) selection is done based on their expertise, performance in past reviews, publication record, and geographic location. The EIC make sure that his/her appointment as EB member brings uniqueness to the journal and their opinions are valued.
USG ensures a rigorous and unbiased peer review by the expert scientists in their area of research to maintain the high-quality editorial process for all manuscripts submitted to USG journals. The editor/EIC is responsible for the final decision to accept or reject a manuscript, based on the reviewers' comments and specific recommendations for the revisions.
Reviewers details are assembled and constantly updated in terms of their H-index, patent index, prototypes and total Impact Factor (SCI) normalized by the average number of co-authors and author position. Selection of a reviewer for a particular article depends on factors such as expertise, reputation, availability, latest publications, specific recommendations of authors and editors.
Reviewers details are assembled and constantly updated in terms of their H-index, patent index, prototypes and total Impact Factor (SCI) normalized by the average number of co-authors and author position. Selection of a reviewer for a particular article depends on factors such as expertise, reputation, availability, latest publications, specific recommendations of authors and editors.
There are many misconceptions about Open Access publication regarding their quality and impact. USG journals have a clearly defined aim and scope, a reputed editorial board and conducts a rigorous peer-review. Fully transparent procedures and policies have been posted that are in line with the guidance from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), ICMJE, WAME. The approach taken with USG journals was to operate without any publication charges for the initial 2 years. The absence of financial interest and a strong adherence to ethical standards gave us an edge over the competition on Publication Standards.
Journal Metrics are becoming an increasingly important feature to measure the journal impact, it provides a report card on the journal's overall content to be compared with other journals. The indicators such as number of articles received, acceptance rate, number of reviews completed, time taken to review, total time and rejection ratios mentioned on the respective homepage of the USG journals can be useful for authors in the journal selection process.
In order to ensure only theoretically and scientifically sound articles are published in USG journals, all submitted articles are subjected to editorial procedures and rigorous peer-review process. The percentage of articles accepted for publication in the same year is included in the journal homepage. Both the number of submitted articles published and the number of rejected articles are displayed, to give a good indication of the journal standard.
Peer-review remains the cornerstone of formal scientific publication. Many reviewers around the world and across various disciplines provide their expert input that creates the basis for accepting and publishing the articles. The peer-reviewer’s generosity, judiciousness, and timely response substantially helps us to publish journals that are both timely and maintain exact scientific standards. It is a genuine pleasure to express our deep sense of thanks to all the reviewers collectively for their dedicated service.
The Editors of USG journals expresses their tremendous gratitude to all those individuals who participated in the peer review process. A special reviewer acknowledgement will be published at the end every year/volume.
The Editors of USG journals expresses their tremendous gratitude to all those individuals who participated in the peer review process. A special reviewer acknowledgement will be published at the end every year/volume.