• First Round of Abstract Submission Ends: March 20, 2025
  • Pre Early Registration Ends: March 25, 2025

About Nursing Science-2025

USG-United Scientific Group, A non-profit organization, is glad to announce its 9th International Conference on Nursing Science & Practice (Nursing Science-2025) scheduled for September 15-17, 2025, in London, UK.

Nursing Science-2025 offers unparalleled networking opportunities for researchers, practitioners, and healthcare professionals worldwide to share the latest advancements and innovations in nursing care. This global platform fosters collaboration, enabling participants to exchange research findings, explore cutting-edge ideas, and discuss models of best practice in nursing.

Nursing includes the prevention of illness, promotion of health, and the compassionate care of individuals with acute or chronic conditions. The conference emphasizes the importance of continuing education and advanced practice as vital steps toward achieving excellence in nursing. This conference is a global platform to discuss and learn about exchange research evidence, innovative ideas and models of best practice.

The conference covers a wide range of nursing topics such as advancing practice nursing, Nursing Education, Nursing Types, Cancer Nursing, Midwifery, Heart & Cardiovascular Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Surgical Nursing, Clinical Nursing, Dental Care Nursing, Critical Care & Emergency Nursing, Adult Health Nursing, Women Health Nursing and many more.

The management is confident that participants will benefit from the high value scientific program. We welcome all the researchers/practitioners to join us in London, UK for the 3 days of stimulating discussions, knowledge sharing and networking events.

The conference presents an opportunity for continuing education and offers exciting activities to connect with fellow nursing scholars, professionals, and researchers.