Digital Future of Pathology: NSH/DPA Online Digital Pathology Certificate of Completion

As digital pathology matures, it is apparent that we need well-trained individuals to manage our whole slide imaging systems. This discussion will introduce the joint NSH/DPA online self-paced Digital Pathology Certificate Program which was released in May of 2018. An overview of how this program was developed, the content of the educational modules, and the manner in which this program is being provided will be presented. In addition, there will be discussion on the importance of this educational program to the field of digital pathology.
Elizabeth A. Chlipala, Premier Laboratory, LLC, Longmont, CO has 39 years’ experience in clinical and nonclinical histology and immunohistochemistry laboratory testing. She is a member of NSH, ASCP, CSH, and the CBSA. She currently is the NSH Treasurer and serves as the Chair for the Digital Pathology Workgroup for NSH. She is a member of the CAP/NSH HistoQIP Committee and is currently serving on the Quantitative Image Analysis Guidelines and Whole Slide Imaging Guidelines committees for CAP.