EES-2017 Keynote Speakers
Fred C. Beach, Energy Institute, University of Texas, TX, USA
Title: New U.S. Power Costs: by County, with Environmental Externalities
EES-2017 Featured Speakers
Energy Resource Management
* Biofuels, Renewable Energies; Climate Change * Advanced Energy Techniques and Its Applications
James Bowie, University of California, USA
Title: Synthetic Biochemistry: Making Biofuels the Cell-Free Way
Malcolm Potts, OASIS Initiative, CA, USA
Title: Population and Climate Change: How Family Planning Can Halt an Imminent Environmental Crisis
Jian Yu, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
Title: Bioplastics and Drop-in Transportation Fuels from Carbon Dioxide and Solar Hydrogen
Andrey Starikovskiy, Princeton University, NJ, USA
Title: Plasma Assisted Combustion of Hydrogen and Small Hydrocarbons
Sarah Marie Jordaan, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Title: Improving energy and environmental decisions with spatiotemporal analyses.
Adriana S. Franca, DEMEC/Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, MG, Brazil
Title: Evaluation of the Potential of Corn Corbs and Defective Coffee Beans in the Production of Biochars
Yoon-Bong Hahn, Chonbuk National University, Republic of Korea
Title: High Efficiency Air-Stable Hybrid Solar Cells Fabricated with Graphene and Metal Oxide Based Anocomposites
Marina de Medeiros Machado, University of Southern Santa Catarina, Brazil
Title: Biodiesel Production Using Fatty Acids From Food Industry Waste Using Corona Discharge Plasma Technology
Leandro S. Oliveira, DEMEC/Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, MG, Brazil
Title: Sulfonated Activated Waste Carbon Material as Heterogeneous Catalyst for the Production of Biodiesel
Ian MacFarlane, Biclab Associates, UK
Title: Cost per person of energy and nutrition sufficient to sustain healthy adult activity: trends 1999-2015
Evan Sproul, Colorado State University, CO, USA
Title: Characterizing and Accounting for Temporal Impacts of Carbon Emissions
Joel Velasco-Velasco, Colegio de Postgraduados Campus Córdoba, Mexico
Title: Effect of Litter Density and Foot Health Program on Ammonia Emissions in Broiler Chickens
Saif M. Al Ghais, Environment Protection and Development Authority, Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates
Title: Dam Sediments Effects on Plankton Productivities of the Arabian Gulf
Stuart Licht, George Washington University, USA
Title: Diamonds from the Sky to Mitigate Climate Change: Incentivized Greenhouse Gas Removal by its Transformation to Valuable Commodities
Michael Garrison, University of Texas, USA
Title: NexusHaus
Hojae Shim, University of Macau, Macau-SAR
Title: Biogas production from food wastewater using intermittent feeding
Beenish Saba, The Ohio State University, OH, USA
Title: Sustainable Power Generation from Bacterio-Algal Microbial Fuel Cells
(MFCs): An Overview
* Persistent Organic Pollutants: fate, occurrence and effects * Air Pollutants; Hazardous Emissions; Risk Assessment * Ecotoxicology; Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Donghyun Rim, Penn State University, PA, USA
Title: Ozone Interactions With Human Skin and Clothing Iin Indoor Environments
Shu Tao, Peking University, China
Title: Application of Highly Sectorial Resolved Emission Inventories of Air Pollutants
Nepal C. Dey, BRAC University, Bangladesh
Title: Risk of Shallow Tubewells related to Microbial Contamination of Drinking Water in rural Bangladesh: A challenge to SDGs
Hon Yeung CHAN, The Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd., Hong Kong
Title: An Innovative and Sustainable Approach – Integrated Emission Management System to Achieve Emission Reduction Targets
Fernanda Monteiro de Castro Fernandes, Universidade de Brasília, SC, Brazil
Title: Relationship Between Climatic Factors and Air Quality With Tuberculosis in the Federal District, Brazil, 2003-2012
Maria do Socorro Nantua Evangelista, Universidade de Brasília, SC, Brazil
Title: TBA
Claudia Pacifico , University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy
Title: Legionella Air Contamination Healthcare Facilities
Abraham Haim, University of Haifa, Israel
Title: The Dilema – Chosing Between Energeticaly Efficient and Healthy Ilumination
Mirza Umair Beg, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait
Title: Biomarkers as a Measure of the State of Marine Environment
Pao-Chi Liao, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Title: Toxicant Exposure Marker Discovery Using Different Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics Data Processing Methods
Mohammed A. Kobeissi, The Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research, Lebanon
Title: A review of measurements and health assessment of natural radioactivity in granites, cement and sand used as building materials in Lebanon
Zoliana Bawitlung, Government Zirtiri Residential Science College, India
Title: Assessment of Population Dosimetry in area of highest age adjusted incidence rate of cancer in India
Enshen Long, Sichuan University, Sichuan Sheng, China
Title: Heat storage and release process of building envelope integrated with phase change material during intermittent heating process
Ana Mendes, EPIUnit - University of Porto Institute of Public Health (ISPUP), Portugal
Title: The influence of air pollution on health impacts: The FUTURAR Project Assessment
Jeyaraj Boniface, St. Xavier’s College, Tirunelveli, India
Title: Enhanced Photocatalytic Decomposition Effect of Lanthanum Oxide Doped Cerium Oxide Nanostructures Driven by Visible Light Irradiation
Environment Management & Treatment
* Environmental Management; Modeling of ecosystems * Biological Treatment; Water Resources Management
Aysegul Petek Gursel, University of California, CA, USA
Title: Life-Cycle Assessment of High-Strength Concrete Mixtures with Copper Slag as Sand Replacement
Nazar Kholod, Joint Global Change Research Institute, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Title: Water and Electricity in India: A Multi-Model Study of Future Challenges and Linkages to Climate Mitigation
Ruhiiga Tabukeli M, North West University, South Africa
Title: An Integrated Solid Waste Stream Interface Management Framework
Audrey Tanguy, STEPPE-École de Technologie Supérieure, Canada
Title: Waste as a Resource: A Territorial Approach for a Multilevel Management
Mayerly Alexandra Oyuela Leguizamo, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá, Colombia
Title: Role of Plant Species in Bioremediation of Heavy Metals from Polluted Areas, Spotlight on Wetlands-Challenges and Perspectives
Xue Fu, Nanchang University, China
Title: Reconfiguration of Economic Structure to Reduce Carbon Emissions and Air Pollutants using a Quasi-dynamic Input-Output Model
Lobina G. Palamuleni, North West University, South Africa
Title: Water balance estimation of ephemeral ponds for irrigation potential in semi-arid environments, North West province, South Africa