The ICDC 2018 conference planning committee welcomes your abstracts for oral presentations and scientific posters.
General Instructions
- Abstracts for 25-minute papers and for posters must be submitted electronically using the link available on the ICDC website
- Oral and poster presentation abstract should not exceed 250 words
- Abstracts which are incomplete and or in language other than English will not be reviewed
- In case you want to change the presenter, you must nominate a specific person who is attending the meeting and is not the presenter of another abstract already. In this case, please send us the Name and email address of a co-author who will present the paper
- In case you cannot attend and cannot nominate a replacement as presenting author, the abstract must be withdrawn at your earliest convenience, but not later than October 23 via email
- Authors should not submit abstracts for research that has already been presented
- The first author listed for each abstract serves as the presenting author and as the primary contact for all correspondence regarding the abstract unless otherwise specified
- Authors are requested to indicate their preference for oral and/or poster presentation on the abstract submission form
- You do not need to register for the Congress prior to submitting an abstract
Oral Presentation Instructions
- Oral Presentation will have 25 minutes slot. (20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questionnaires)
- If you believe that your presentation merits more time, or if you have needs beyond these items, prior intimation is required
Poster Presentation
- Please set up your display 15 minutes before the session is to begin. The program will indicate the poster board number to which you have been assigned.
- The presenting author should be present for the duration of the 60-minute session to speak with attendees and answer the questions.
Responsibilities of the Presenting Author
- The presenting author must be one of the co-authors listed on the submitted abstract
- Assuring that ALL coauthors have reviewed and approved the abstract’s content
- If an abstract is accepted, the presenting author is expected to register for the conference