About Conference

Defects in various combinations of the genes for the neurotransmitters result in polygenic disorders like Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) and that such individuals are at risk for abuse of the unnatural rewards with various high risk for multiple addictive, impulsive and compulsive behavioral propensities, such as severe alcoholism, cocaine, heroin, marijuana and nicotine use, glucose bingeing, pathological gambling, sex addiction, ADHD, Tourette's Syndrome, autism, chronic violence, posttraumatic stress disorder, schizoid/avoidant cluster, conduct disorder and antisocial behavior.

RDS-1 features highly informative and interactive sessions that covers the experimental, clinical and epidemiological areas of research which involves the gene associations (including environmental epigenetics) especially the genes involved in brain reward circuitry.

RDS-1 provides high quality reports of current scientific progress and best practices featured in both invited presentations, submitted oral abstracts and posters. The conference is designed to encourage the exchange of ideas across a broad range of disciplines. We will make this conference a high-level scientific event that will be of great value to all.

RDS-1 organizing committee strongly believe that this meeting will make a real difference in driving toward a better understanding of the many issues related to not only those caught up in addiction now but to future generations; aiming to do much for redeeming joy freeing those victims from a life of pain and frustration.

About Organizer

United Scientific Group (USG), an expert-driven initiative led by the editors association and the advisory board which includes academicians, researchers, and industry leaders across various fields of research. USG provides broad range of services in the fields of science and technology including publishing, conducting world class scientific events, and holding highly interactive and proficient world forums.

We look forward to welcome participants from all over the world to the sparkling city of San Francisco and are highly optimistic of making this event a cherishable experience.